/dev monthly

🔥 A newsletter by developers for developers
curated by  Allan and  Thomas.

Fields of Interest

Here is some input from the interwebs
we thought you might like. Enjoy.

🏎️ Many small queries are efficient in SQLite (hn discussion)

πŸ”¬ Greppability is an underrated code metric (hn discussion)

πŸ“¦ Using S3 as a Container Registry (hn discussion)

⚑️ Show HN: InstantDB, A Modern Firebase (hn discussion)

🧢 A* search: optimized implementation in Lisp (hn discussion)

πŸ“Ÿ Hackberry-Pi_Zero - A handheld Linux terminal using Raspberry Pi Zero 2W (hn discussion)


Here are a few talks or documentaries
on software engineering to watch and listen to.

πŸ“» Bryan Cantrill: Platform as a Reflection of Values

πŸ“» Ship It! Deploying on a Friday

πŸ“» JΓΌrgen Schmidhuber: Neural and Non-Neural AI, Reasoning, Transformers, and LSTMs

πŸ“» Pieter Levels: Programming, Viral AI Startups, and Digital Nomad Life

πŸ“» Chris Lattner: on Mojo & Roc

Volunteering, Donating, Activism

Here are a few organizations
that can use your support.

epicenter.works: About | Volunteer | Donate

EFF: About | Volunteer | Donate

Wikimedia Foundation: About | Volunteer | Donate

Open Positions

We were looking for the most interesting
open software development positions available right now.

This list mainly focuses on companies in Vienna
and companies that have a connection to Vienna.

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Do you know about an interesting company or position we missed? Please reach out and let us know.